New Hands-On Laboratories: The Choice Is Yours

Parliamentarian Lab

What does it take to be a successful parliamentarian? That’s what this interactive laboratory will explore. Choose the level that best suits you, using the following descriptions as a guide.

  • Basic—Give advice to the presiding officer on questions related to the 13 ranking motions. This lab is for those with little to no experience in serving as a parliamentarian.
  • Intermediate—Give advice to the presiding officer on questions related to the 13 ranking motions and the most common incidental motions. This lab is for those who are ready to tackle more motions and other parliamentary situations.
  • Advanced—Give advice to the presiding officer on any kind of motion or parliamentary situation. This lab is for those who want to stretch their abilities, test their skills, or assess their strengths and weaknesses.


Presiding Lab

The Presiding Laboratory provides a safe space to practice presiding. It gives you an opportunity to think on your feet in a “life-like” presiding setting; demonstrate your knowledge of the action required of a presiding officer –and generally strut your stuff!

Use the following descriptions to select the presiding lab you want to attend.

  • Basic—Practice processing main motions and to amend by inserting, adding, or striking out, using the six steps for handling a motion.
  • Intermediate—Practice handling the thirteen ranking motions and the most common incidental motions.
  • Advanced—In this lab, practice all the motions: 13 ranking motions, incidental motions, and bring back motions. Be ready for anything.

Secretary Lab

Are meeting minutes always a question mark for you? Are you hearing minutes that take as long to read as the meeting? Then the Secretary Lab experience is for you. Sign up to save your space and come practice taking meeting minutes in a safe space with other learners and supportive coaches.

Sign up for the laboratory you want to attend when you register for the convention.

There is no additional fee, but it will help us to plan accordingly.